Friday, July 13, 2012


Facebook post July 6, 2012.   Somebody said to me the other day that I was a "lucky guy" to have accomplished so much at a young age. I'm not suggesting that luck didn't play a role, but I'm pretty confident that it isn't at the top of the list. In my own world, I think my achievements have been built from sacrifice. Not the altruistic acts that benefit others, but more about tradeoff--to attain something I believe is of great value, I've always elected to give up something of lesser value. After years of wondering why I'm single, why no kids, why I've had a hard time building long-term bonds with people, or why my body isn't ripped, I recognize it's because I don't value those things more than starting companies, opening restaurants, having happy clients and employees, or eating pizza every once in a while. I actually find myself blaming occasional discontentment or bouts of unhappiness on Sacrifice, believing subconsciously that I can have two value systems at the same time, but knowing in my heart that achieving the highest levels in both areas isn't realistic.
After many years of professional achievement, I've embraced the fact that there are trade-offs in life and my decisions are just that -- my decisions. Rather than focus on the relationship, I continue to sacrifice it in honor of that which makes me comfortable and (apparently) on which I place greater value -- work. But the good news is I do believe that I control my value system, and therefore control my happiness--which occasionally could use a kick in the butt. (See. It's not luck.) I will work on this!

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